Guaranteed -
A Very Relaxing
Khazzaka Insurance Group, better known as KIG, owned by Roland Khazzaka who represent the key success of the company, its experience in the insurance sector spans over fifteen years. KIG reinsurance treaties are covered by leading international re-insurers which allows for some of the most financially secure protection, a first class reinsurance cover, and a well-known reputation...
We provide a comprehensive range of services that are positioned for the protection of large corporations, manufacturers, families, small businesses, as well as individuals.
KIG offers you a host of privileges available to you 365 days a year 24 hours a day with any of its motor insurance programs, and all the benefits of 24 hours road assistance, backed up by our commitment to superior service.We have:
Third party liability: Third party liability insurance, which cover the damages caused to a third party.
Motor all risk: All risk motor insurance is a complete cover for your vehicle. Actually when you only choose the liability cover, you don't insure your own vehicle damages but the ones caused to a third party. To have a guaranty for your vehicle, you need to have one of our All Risk Motor products.
As our mission is to provide superior value in healthcare related services, under the various healthcare Insurance programs we are serving to our valued Clients. Lebanon has today the most various Medical schemes; they differ in coverage, amounts, number of hospitals, additional options like travel and assistance abroad, plus the most interesting part, the Lifetime Guaranteed Renewability "GR".
Fire Insurance is coverage against loss by fire and/or lightning. It may include coverage against loss by windstorm or earthquake and other allied risks.
Allied Perils
This type of insurance enables you to manage the loss exposures resulting from criminal acts such as robbery, burglary and other forms of theft. Many businesses purchase these insurance packages that allows them to file claims for employee theft or other offenses with the potential to cause financial ruin.
Our public liability insurance is designed for professionals who interact with customers or members of the public. It protects against claims of personal injury or property damage that a third party suffers (or claims to have suffered) as a result of your business activities.
In other words, this means that if someone is injured or their property is damaged while you’re providing a service, they may take legal action against you to recover their losses. Public liability insurance is designed to help protect your business by ensuring that if this happens, you don’t have to pay any legal or court costs. It covers incidents that occur in your workplace, as well as incidents at other locations.
Travelers can protect themselves from financial failures and disruption by choosing the right insurance policy.
Measures to protect your health, the money you pay in advance for package holidays and some flights are being strengthened. But many travelers remain particularly vulnerable – especially in these difficult economic times.
What it Covers:
This insurance covers the liability of the employers against any accident that may occur during the works, to their employees. This liability is subject to the decree law number 136 dated September 1983 of the Lebanese law.
The Contractors All Risk Policy covers the assured against any physical loss / damage and third party liability resulting from the constructors of the assured project.
Electrical Equipment Insurance is one of the most comprehensive and common policy for high valuable electronic equipment.
All types of equipment which generate, convert, store transfer and/or process physical data and information can be insured. The insurance protects owner by covering almost all the perils but only after successful commissioning of the insured items.
Our Export Insurance Policy insures an exporter against the risk of not being paid under an export contract or of not being able to recover the costs of performing that contract because of certain events which prevent its performance or lead to its termination.
KIG's Fidelity Guarantee insurance is an insurance policy designed to indemnify the insured for the loss of money or property sustained as a direct result of acts of fraud, theft or dishonesty by an employee in the course of employment.
The cover provided includes reimbursement for loss resulting from:
committed by an employee for improper personal financial gain.
An organization may need to physically transport large sums of money from one place to another. This puts your money at risk of theft from opportunistic burglars while it is in transit. This presents the need to insure it with KIG's Cash In Transit Insurance policy.
This policy would protect your organization against "All Risks" of physical loss and/or damage to money whilst in transit to and from the premises and while it is in the premises during and after working hours.
As anything could be dangerous, accidents may happen at anytime, so in order to protect yourself and the ones you love, subscribe now to a personal accident insurance.
We cover you in case of unfortunate accidental death Permanent Total Disablement, Permanent Partial disablement, weekly indemnity, Medical Expenses, Passive war.
While subscribing to this insurance plan you will have to set the sum insured that you need, and the beneficiaries of this cover.
Marine insurance covers your goods when transported by sea, air or land. The cover starts when the goods leave their place of storage and stops when they reach their final destination.
Marine Hull
The Hull Marine insurance is the insurance of the vessel. It can be covered under :
Marine Cargo
The cargo Insurance means the insurance of the transported goods. It has several means of transportation: By Sea, Air or Land.
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in
some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable